關於李同春先生的人員委任通知发表时间:2023-05-20 11:04来源:亞洲青少年舞蹈教育協會香港總會AYDEA HK ![]() 關於本會成立亞洲·中國内地及廣東省辦事處(分會) Branch Offices Establishment of the Association in Chinese Mainland and Guangdong Province 與廣東省辦事處人事任命通知 Notice of Personnel Appointment in Guangdong Office 尊敬的各分會辦事處及全體會員:Dear branch offices and all members:經亞洲青少年舞蹈教育協會「香港總會」(下方全文簡稱我會)主席张如君女士与8名副主席、21名理事商議研究并共同表決!即日起,在内地地區成立亞洲青少年舞蹈教育協會「廣東省」省級辦事處(分會)。It is discussed and decided by Ms. Zhang Rujun, the Chairman of the Hong Kong headquarter , and 8 Vice Chairmen and 21 Directors of the Asian Youth Education Association of Dance by vote together that from today, a provincial office (branch) of Asian Youth Education Association of Dance is to be established in the mainland region. 廣東省分會辦事處成立后,全面啓動我會在内地地區的相關業務。同時,除廣東省外,内地其他各省份的工作安排,暫時由廣東省分會辦事處全權代理。After the establishment of the Branch Office of Guangdong Province, the relevant business in the mainland region will be fully launched. In the meanwhile,besides Guangdong Province, the work arrangements of other provinces in the mainland region will be temporarily but fully done by the Branch Office of Guangdong Province. 現將廣東省分會辦事處的相關人事任命事項通知如下:Hereby it is notified as follows for the relevant personnel appointment of the Branch Office of Guangdong Province: 即日起,我會原香港總會「會員」 李同春 先生升任香港總會「理事」。同時,任命 李同春 先生 為廣東省分會辦事處主任,全權處理我會在中國内地及廣東省內開展的所有事務,全權管理中國内地、香港地區戶籍會員,全面負責協會運營、管理等工作。From today, Mr. Lee Tong Chuem, the former "member" in Hong Kong headquarter,is promoted to the position of "director" of Hong Kong headquarter. At the same time, Mr. Lee Tong Chuem is also appointed as the director of the Branch Office of Guangdong Province, who is fully authorized to handle all affairs of the association in Chinese Mainland and Guangdong Province, to manage the members in Chinese Mainland and Hong Kong, and to be fully responsible for the operation and management of the association. 亞洲青少年舞蹈教育協會 Asian Youth Dance Education Association 2023年5月18日 |