舞蹈作品賞析 | 瑤人之鼓发表时间:2022-07-04 15:56 ![]() 瑤人之鼓 Yao's drum 舞蹈編導:戴愛蓮 choreographer: Dai Ailian
首演時間:1946年於重慶 首演演員:戴愛蓮等 Opening time: 1946 in Chongqing. Actors: Dai Ailian, etc “青藍布為衣,對襟齊領,長可蔽膝身,以彩繡鑲邊,頭挽髮髻,配以銀飾高冠;耳垂大環,手戴銀釧,腰束長圍,身佩銀扣、銀鏈、銀牌。繡花布綁腿,腳穿雞公繡花鞋,手執鼓槌,翩翩起舞。”這就是戴愛蓮的《瑤人之鼓》,沒有炫目的技巧,沒有過多的修飾,淳樸而自然,含蓄而奔放。 "Blue cloth for the dress, the front of the collar, long can cover the knee, with color embroidery edge, head bun, with silver ornaments high crown; earlobe ring, hand wearing silver bracelet, waist circumference, silver buckle, silver chain, silver medal. Embroidered cloth leggings, feet wearing chicken male embroidered shoes, hand drum hammer, dance."This is Dai Ailian's" Yao people of the Drum ", no dazzling skills, no too much decoration, simple and natural, implicit and bold.
戴愛蓮先生是新中國舞蹈教育事業的先驅,有著深厚西方舞蹈技術功底的她對中國民族民間舞蹈卻情有獨鐘,“芭蕾舞是我的工作,民族舞蹈是我的摯愛……”二戰爆發以後,戴先生懷著強烈的愛國熱情和尋覓中華民族舞蹈之根的夢想回到了祖國母親的懷抱,她不辭千辛萬苦,不顧路途艱險,不懼窮困勞苦,長期深入隻身步入了中國少數民族地區,孜孜不倦地汲取著中華民族傳統文化的精髓。《瑤人之鼓》就是戴先生創作於20世紀40年代,反映瑤族人民喜慶時擊鼓起舞的優秀作品。與此同時,她還編創了一系列邊遠地區的少數民族舞蹈,被人們親切地譽為“邊疆舞蹈家”。 Ms. Dai Ailian is the pioneer of new China dance education career, has a deep western dance skills she has a special liking for Chinese folk dance, "ballet is my work, folk dance is my love....." after the outbreak of the world war ii, Mr.Dai with strong patriotic passion and looking for the dream of the dream of dream back to the motherland, she resigned, regardless of the road danger, not afraid of hardship, long-term alone into the Chinese minority areas, tirelessly absorbing the essence of the traditional culture of the Chinese nation. The Drum of the Yao People is an excellent work created by Mr.Dai in the 1940s, which reflects the drumming and dancing of the Yao people. At the same time, she also created a series of ethnic minority dances in remote areas, which are affectionately known as "frontier dancers".
戴愛蓮創作《瑤人之鼓》距今雖已半個多世紀了,但作品本身透射出的人文精神和美學追求,對當代民族民間舞發展仍然有著很強的現實意義。因為,首先,戴先生為祖國打開了民族舞蹈的寶庫,她親歷親為,自覺探索,開了整理、加工中國民族民間舞蹈的先河。其次,戴先生用其獨特的身體語言清晰而深刻地表達了她的藝術創作理念一立足基礎、尋根溯源、變通中西、創造發展,建設獨具中國特色的舞蹈文化。第三,戴先生以一種可敬的文化視角,重新喚醒了我們對原生態民族藝術的熱愛,提醒我們要為正在失去根性的文化與生活注入新的活力。第四,戴先生和她的作品中有著鮮明的平民意識,通俗易懂,這與當代我國文藝探索建設先進文化,“貼近實際,貼近生活,貼近群眾”不謀而合。 Although it has been more than half a century since Dai Ailian created the Drum of Yao People, the humanistic spirit and aesthetic pursuit conveyed by the work itself still have a strong practical significance for the development of contemporary ethnic folk dance. Because, first of all, Mr.Dai opened the treasure house of folk dance for the motherland. She personally experienced it, consciously explored, and opened the first to organize and process Chinese folk folk dance. Secondly, Mr.Dai clearly and profoundly expressed her artistic creation concept with her unique body language. Based on the foundation, tracing roots, adapting Chinese and Western, creating and developing, and building a dance culture with Chinese characteristics. Thirdly, Mr.Dai, with an respectable cultural perspective, reawakens our love for the original national art and reminds us to inject new vitality into the culture and life that is losing its roots. Fourth, Mr.Dai and her works have a distinct sense of common people, which is easy to understand, which coincides with the contemporary Chinese literary exploration and construction of advanced culture, "close to reality, close to life, close to the masses".
作為中國舞蹈史上的傑出女性,戴愛蓮和她的舞蹈創造了一個時代,她對民族舞蹈藝術的尊重和熱愛也贏得了人們對她的尊重和愛戴。 As an outstanding woman in the history of Chinese dance, Dai Ailian and her dance have created an era, and her respect for and love for the folk dance art has also won people's respect and love for her. |